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Do You Need Air Conditioning In Calgary?

Do You Need Air Conditioning In Calgary?

Too early to start talking about A/C in our neck of the country? Not at all, especially when you consider the fact that prospective homeowners continue to pose the question found in the title of this article. So let us start with an answer – yes, you do need air conditioning in Calgary, and the reasons span beyond the inevitable arrival of summer

Air conditioning is often misunderstood and pigeonholed (in Alberta) for being about one thing – keeping you cool through July and August. While it does, there’s more to it. Today we’re going to provide a succinct accounting of why Calgary homeowners need to include air conditioning as a part of their entire HVAC system.

4 Reasons Why Calgary Homeowners Need a Premium Air Conditioning Installation

Summers Are Getting Warmer/Hotter

The average temperatures for Calgary in July and August are in the mid-20 degree Celsius range. That alone is enough to invite A/C into your household. But we’re experiencing more heat waves than ever before and that has homeowners and residential developers alike looking closer at A/C not as a luxury, but a necessity.

In fact, last summer was a record-breaking one for heat in Calgary and the evening air provided no solace as at one point 35 °C temperatures persisted as late as 10 PM! Early July experienced an average high of 28.5 °C while consistently hot weather ran from May to September in 2018, bucking the trend and setting a new one that residents can expect to continue in the future (more on climate change below).

Warm-to-hot temperatures not only disrupt comfort in the home, extreme heat can cause health problems for many people, with some at much greater risk than others, including infants, seniors, and young children, all of whom are susceptible to heat stroke and other heat-related health maladies. You and your family won’t have to worry about any of the above when you install premium air conditioning in the home.

Leonardo DiCaprio Thinks You Should

Got your attention? Before you write this off as clickbait you may want to have a look at what Oscar winner and eco-pundit had to say about climate change in Alberta, Calgary in particular. When filming the movie “The Revenant” the crew had to halt production to find the cold and snow that seasons before promised them when initially choosing the Calgary area for their shoot. And their experience was not an isolated one. Not only did DiCaprio and co. have to pick up and move elsewhere to find more consistent cold season locations, FX’s Fargo had to make moves to find more appropriate winter weather too.

While this may seem like a “first world problem” (Hollywood complaints, right?) the intent in referencing everything above is to show that climate change is real. Not only are Calgary summers expected to get hotter, studies show that things will be unpredictable through all four seasons. Long story short, you need to invest in a more robust HVAC system to account for it all – which means making sure you check the boxes on those last two letters of our favorite acronym.

The Chinooks – 0 to 20 in 1 Hour?

Chinook winds are nature’s gift to Calgary, surprising locals and visitors alike with a breath of warm air during the cold seasons. While this is a blast for local fans of outdoor activities and t-shirts, it makes for an uncomfortable home. Your heating system will have been running to maintain a comfortable warm temperature during those long below 0 °C days and nights, then all of a sudden you hit with summertime weather, and your interior temperature won’t be able to adapt in time to maintain comfort.

If you’re new to the region you may think we’re exaggerating but it’s a fact that Chinooks can deliver astounding temperature changes, rising from below 0 °C to as high as 20 °C in a few short hours, or less. Chinooks can last for hours but it is not uncommon for them to last for days, and in Calgary and Southern Alberta there are approximately 30-35 Chinooks per year. With nearly 10 percent of your supposedly cold season susceptible to fast-rising temperatures no Calgary home should be without premium A/C.

Premium AC Significantly Improves Air Quality 

While we have spent a lot of time discussing the necessity of A/C in Calgary as a means to achieve comfortable temperatures in the home during warm/hot days, weeks, and months, another VERY important benefit should not be overlooked. A premium air conditioner can significantly improve air quality in the home, making for a more healthy and breathable environment. In fact, for some people with respiratory issues and seasonal allergies air conditioning can be a lifesaver.

The right air conditioner will not only help you maintain a desired temperature, it helps homeowners manage humidity, provides constant and adequate ventilation, and cleans the air by removing allergens and pollutantsRecent data shows that advanced air conditioners can efficiently deliver significant health benefits to patients of asthma and even cardiovascular disease. Turns out that a premium AC installation can not only improve interior ambient temperature, but health and overall quality of life.

Convinced that you need a new air conditioner? The good news is that it’s early bird season and there are AC w/furnace combinations that can save you up to $1500 if you make your purchase before the arrival of late spring and early summer. Contact Air Force Heating today to learn more.