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Preparing Your AC System for the Summer Months: Essential Tips and Maintenance

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As the temperatures rise and the warm summer months approach, it becomes essential to prepare your air conditioning system to handle the increased cooling demand. Properly preparing and maintaining your AC system before the peak cooling season not only helps ensure maximum comfort throughout your home but also contributes to enhanced energy efficiency and a decreased likelihood of unexpected breakdowns. 

A well-maintained air conditioning system plays a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable living environment during the summer months. By implementing a few preventative measures, you can optimize the performance of your AC system, reduce the risk of unforeseen malfunctions, and increase energy efficiency. Common maintenance practices to prepare your air conditioning system for summer include cleaning or replacing the air filter, inspecting the evaporator and condenser coils, checking refrigerant levels, and evaluating the overall condition of the system.

However, while some of these tasks can be performed by homeowners, many require the expertise of Air Force Heating’s professional technicians to ensure a thorough and accurate assessment and maximized efficiency. By enlisting the help of our qualified professionals for your air conditioning maintenance needs, you can have confidence that your system will operate at peak performance throughout the warm season and that any potential issues are addressed before turning into costly repairs.

Let’s further discuss the essential tips and maintenance practices for preparing your air conditioning system for summer, highlighting both homeowner tasks and the benefits of professional maintenance services. By following these essential tips, you can relax and enjoy a cool, comfortable home during the hot summer months, knowing that your air conditioning system is primed for efficient and reliable performance.

1. Easy-to-Perform Homeowner Tasks for AC System Preparation

To help maintain the performance and efficiency of your air conditioning system, there are several maintenance tasks that homeowners can perform themselves:

  • Clean or Replace Air Filter: A clean air filter is crucial for optimal airflow and system efficiency. Check your filter monthly and clean or replace it as needed, especially during heavy-use months like the summer. A clean air filter not only helps improve indoor air quality but also reduces the strain on your AC system.
  • Inspect and Clean the Outdoor Unit: Ensure the area around the outdoor unit is clear of debris and plants, allowing for proper airflow. Clean the fins and coils gently with a soft brush or cloth and remove any dirt or buildup. Be sure to turn off the power before performing any cleaning tasks.
  • Check for Proper Drainage: Inspect the condensate drain line to ensure that it isn’t clogged or obstructed. A blocked drain can cause water to back up and damage your system or lead to high indoor humidity levels.
  • Examine Thermostat Settings: It’s a good idea to check your thermostat settings to ensure it’s set to the optimal temperature for summer cooling. By setting the thermostat at a slightly higher temperature, you can save on energy costs while still maintaining a comfortable home.

2. Beneficial Professional Maintenance Practices

While some tasks can be performed yourself, it’s crucial to enlist the help of our expert technicians for essential professional maintenance practices:

  • Inspect Evaporator and Condenser Coils: Dirt and debris can accumulate on the evaporator and condenser coils over time, hindering their ability to transfer heat efficiently. Our technicians can inspect, clean, and maintain your coils, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency.
  • Check Refrigerant Levels: An essential aspect of air conditioning maintenance is ensuring the right refrigerant levels. Our professionals will verify that your system has the appropriate amount of refrigerant for efficient cooling and detect and repair any leaks should they occur.
  • Evaluate Overall System Condition: Having our professional technician thoroughly examine your air conditioning system can pinpoint any potential issues and help prevent unexpected breakdowns. Our technicians will inspect your system’s components, such as the belts, motors, and electrical connections, to ensure everything is in good working order.
  • Perform Routine Maintenance: Seasonal maintenance performed by our technicians can help prolong the life of your AC system, as well as keep it running efficiently. This may include tasks such as lubricating moving parts, checking for loose connections, and inspecting safety components.

3. The Importance of Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance

Scheduling regular maintenance for your air conditioning system provides numerous benefits, such as:

  • Prolonged System Lifespan: Properly maintained air conditioning systems tend to have a longer life span, reducing the need for expensive replacement or repairs.
  • Improved Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained system operates more efficiently, consuming less energy and helping to lower your utility bills.
  • Fewer Repairs and Breakdowns: Regular maintenance can help identify small issues before they develop into larger problems, ultimately preventing costly repairs and unexpected breakdowns during the peak cooling season.

4. The Benefits of a Maintenance Agreement with Our Professionals

To ensure your air conditioning system receives regular, professional attention, consider establishing a maintenance agreement with our experienced technicians. Benefits of a maintenance agreement include:

  • Priority Scheduling: Customers with maintenance agreements typically receive priority scheduling for service calls and tune-ups, ensuring timely response and care.
  • Cost Savings: Regular maintenance visits included in a maintenance agreement can help optimize your AC system’s performance and efficiency, resulting in energy cost savings and reduced repair expenses.
  • Peace of Mind: Investing in a maintenance agreement provides peace of mind, knowing that your air conditioning system is consistently inspected, serviced, and maintained by our skilled professionals, ensuring reliable performance throughout the summer months.


Preparing your air conditioning system for the warm summer months is essential for optimal comfort, performance, and energy efficiency. By following some simple homeowner maintenance tasks and partnering with our skilled technicians for professional maintenance, you can significantly enhance your AC system’s longevity, performance, and energy efficiency. 

Stay cool and relaxed during the hot summer months, knowing that your air conditioning system is primed and ready to provide reliable, efficient cooling. To schedule an AC maintenance in Calgary, AB, visit or discuss a maintenance agreement with our expert technicians at Air Force Heating, your best choice for furnace, air conditioning, and garage heater repair and installation, contact us today.