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Don’t Break Up With Your Furnace Just Yet!

Don’t Break Up With Your Furnace Just Yet!

Should you hold on a while longer?

Whether you find this article before or after Valentine’s Day you already know that many people are reassessing their relationships at this time of the year. And when it comes to the majority of households, we all know the most important union to ponder – the one with your furnace of course!

Just us? OK, maybe we’re a bit biased, but without a doubt, it may be time to make a firm choice when it comes to your home heating system. Some of you may be on the verge of making a rash decision, ready to rush into a whole new commitment without giving your tried and true a second chance even if things have seemed rocky of late. Before doing so, we ask you to reconsider for a moment. Look at us as relationship experts between furnaces and Calgary homeowners, providing council so that you can make a more informed decision before potentially making a big mistake. In other words, read below to find out if you should repair your furnace instead breaking the bank (and its heart) for a new one.

3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Deciding Whether to Replace or Repair Your Furnace

Has The Relationship Gone On Too Long?

In our recent article about new heating installations during the holiday season we made it very clear that the most important qualifier for doing so is the age of your furnace. Assuming a quality system and quality installation, the average life expectancy of a modern household furnace is between 15 and 20 years. If you’ve had yours for significantly less than 15, the odds in favor of a repair are much greater. Even if it seems that there is a very significant malfunction and you’re being pressured by a know-it-all neighbor or local installer you should absolutely get a second opinion to find out if repair can return your gas furnace to its former glory. A simple consultation and inspection can save your a small (or great) fortune.

Are “They” Too High Maintenance?

If your furnace requires constant maintenance (and expenditure) then there may be a case for a new one. HOWEVER (note all CAPS folks) you need to take a good hard look at this supposed maintenance.

For instance, are you performing DIY furnace troubleshooting, repair, and parts replacement? While we applaud the attempt, you have to look at a furnace in the same way as you would the human body. Which option will better diagnose and treat a physical injury, WebMD followed by YouTube tutorials or a visit with a physician and physiotherapist?

Honestly, the above analogy doesn’t bear a flare for the dramatic, as a gas furnace has many moving parts, and without an expert inspection and repair you may be missing the underlying problem and subsequent fix. If you truly hope to reignite the flame of your furnace pilot light, turn off the breaker, drop the replacement fuse, and contact us right away.

Remember, while you’ve probably been told to replace a furnace if the repair would cost more than 50% of the replacement cost, you can’t make a true calculation without having a repair expert make it for you.

Do You Want A Long Distance Relationship?

This question is about whether or not you plan on moving in the near future. If so, a repair probably makes more sense, all things above considered. Why make a big investment in a new furnace if a repair can achieve your heating needs for months or short years to come before the relocation?

Now some may cite that a new furnace installation can increase the market value of your home and make it more appealing to buyers. Yes, it can. However, Calgary’s housing market has remained remarkably resilient despite a slower economy. Plus, in January the Bank of Canada has kept the interest rate in check to encourage consumer spending while major lenders including RBC, TD, and BMO have reduced the 5-year fixed mortgage rate. All of the above has made home purchases more affordable for Calgary buyers. Therefore, you no longer need to provide concessions, such as brand-new furnace installation, to garner their interest.

If you plan on moving and maintaining your old home (read: long distance relationship) as a short or long-term rental as a means to generate revenue then perhaps a new furnace makes for a sound business investment, but only if it brings down energy expenditure. Again, only an expert opinion can help you make an informed choice in that capacity.

As you can see, there are certainly a few things to consider before you make an impulsive decision about the relationship with your furnace, so don’t go with your heart on this one. Instead, contact us for furnace inspection and repair.